Tell Me Something

Tell Me Something Hangul is a 1999 South Korean mystery crime thriller film directed by Chang Yoonhyun. It was an early South Korean film to find success abroad as part of the Korean Wave, and was selected to appear in the 2001 New York Korean Film Festival.

Detective Jo is soon put on the case of a serial killer who amputates the limbs and heads of his victims and seems to enjoy mixing up the body parts swapping a new part into the body of each new victim. The trail of victims leads to beautiful young woman, Chae Sooyeon, daughter of a famous painter. She was named as the next of kin of one of the victims, but it quickly becomes apparent that she knew each of the victims and had dated them in the past. Sooyeon is an enigmatic character whose past is gradually revealed over the film as she becomes close to Detective Jo. Her only close friend, Seungmin a doctor whom she has known since high school, reveals that in the past Sooyeon had tried to kill herself several times. This apparent fragility and victim status is subtly picked up by a painting in her country retreat which depicts her as Ophelia drowning a recreation of the PreRaphaelite painting of the same name by Millais, seen earlier in the film. The body count mounts and Sooyeon moves into Detective Jos apartment for safety signalling a growing trust between them. The relationship remains chaste if not quite professional with Jo acting as a protective knight. His complete trust is shown by him giving his gun to Sooyeon and showing her how to use it.In keeping with the tradition of serial killer films as the body count mounts the finger of suspicion moves from boyfriends and wouldbe boyfriends to Sooyeons absent father. It emerges that her father had abused her over a long period of time. It is also suggested that Detective Jo will be the next victim due to his growing closeness to Sooyeon. Meantime, Detective Oh has found the apartment where the amputations killings have taken place and naturally he is killed although handily he manages to procure a photograph which provides a crucial clue for Detective Jo to reach the final denouement. A show down in Tower Records in which both Sooyeon and Jo survive seems to indicate a happy ending. Sooyeon bids a warm farewe

Source: Wikipedia